Four Methods Of Tidal Power Energy Generation

There are few facts that every should know about our planet earth

  • 70% of our planet is occupied by water and 30 % by dry land
  • Water never stops its motion
  • We are facing the energy crises 
  • Use of excess amount of fossil fuel cause the global warming

Problems we are facing can be solved if we see the fact 1 and 2 that is a huge amount of water that never stops.

As we all know that every moving thing have kinetic energy and if we look at the amount of water we have means we have a huge amount of kinetic available every time. 

If these resources are used they can easily solve our problems of energy crises and global warming. Technology which could convert this kinetic energy into electrical energy is called Tidal power

Four methods of Tidal Power Energy Production

  • Tidal steam generators

  • Tidal Barrage 

  • Dynamic Tidal Power

  • Tidal Lagoon 

Tidal Stream Generator for Tidal Power  Energy

Tidal stream generator method is use to extract energy from running tides of water. Many of you may have a visit of a river where you see flowing water at high speed which means that water have huge amount of kinetic energy store in it and we can use that energy to produce electrical energy by tidal stream method

If you have ever seen a wind turbine know how it works them there is no need of learning the working of tidal stream generator method because it works on the same principle. 

But for those did not let us explain high speed moving water when strike the blades of turbine its kinetic energy is converted into the rotational kinetic energy of the turbine blades. Blades cause the generator to rotate which produce the electricity energy

Tidal Barrage for Tidal Power Energy

Look of Tidal Barrage Power Generation is just like a traditional dam and it work on the same principle as the traditional dam do but there is one difference between them traditional dams store water on one side and then convert the potential energy to kinetic energy and use that kinetic energy to rotate the blades to turbine to produce electrical energy and tidal barrage use this method on both sides of the barrage.

Consider a place where water level increase and decrease with the increase and decrease of tides. 

If you constructs a wall from one end to another then when water start to increase it will be stored in one place when it reach its maximum value, gates are open and water starts to flow over the turbine blades and so electrical energy is produce. 

When water level on both sides is same then gates are closed and when water level lowers on one side’s gates are open again and so electrical energy is produce again. This is how this method works 

Dynamic tidal power for Tidal Power Energy

It is a fact that ocean tides don’t operate strictly perpendicular to the shore, but also flow in parallel to the shore as well and Dynamic tidal power use this method to generate electricity. 

It is the most complicated, least well understood tidal power scheme yet conceived. 

This method involve the creating of a long dam-like structure perpendicular to the coast, with the option for a coast-parallel barrier at the far end, forming a large 'T' shape to harvest energy from the tides as they flow parallel to the shore as the diagrams below illustrate. 

Red represents relative high water and blue represents relative low water

Tidal Lagoon for Tidal Power Energy

A newer tidal energy design option is to construct circular retaining walls embedded with turbines that can capture the potential energy of tides. The tidal lagoon scheme is very similar to the tidal barrage method of using tides to generate power. 

In fact, the only real difference between the two is that the tidal lagoon does not block off an entire estuary, but rather makes use of only part of it. 

During the high tide water level around the lagoon will increase and try to move in the lagoon and during low tide water will move outside in both direction it will produce electricity

1 comment:

  1. This article help me to learn about the tidal energy generation
