Tidal Barrage Power Generation

Tidal power harness by the tidal power plant is the power inherent in tides at sea or oceans that is the power of motion of water actuated by tides. Tides are defined as the increase and decrease in water levels due to the motion of water from one place to the other.

It is a fact that water level increase and decrease during the high and low tide of sea. Tidal barrage power generation system uses this method to produce the electricity.

Components Of Tidal Power Plant

The components of  tidal power plant are as follow

A barrage

A barrage is a small wall built at the entrance of a gulf in order to trap water behind it. It is just like the dam structure. It will gather water by stopping it from going into the gulf when water levels at the sea are high or it will stop water from going into the sea when water level at the sea is low.


Turbines are the components which convert the kinetic energy of water in to the rotational energy of the generator which convert rotational energy into electrical energy. They are located in the passageways that the water flows through when gates of barrage are opened


Sluice gates are the ones responsible for the flow of water through the barrage


They are caissons made out of concrete to prevent water from flowing at certain parts of the dam and to help maintenance work and electrical wiring to be connected or used to move equipment or cars over it

Working Tidal Power Plant

We have divided the working phenomena of tidal barrage generation into seven components

Tidal motion

As said above water level increase and decrease during the high and low tide of sea and this is the most important in this power generation system because it all depends upon the increasing and decreasing level of water


Barrage is the wall structure just like the dam structure. Its function is to stop the water on one side during high tide and release it when it reach its maximum value and store it on other side and release it during low tide

Potential energy

I tidal barrage power generation system main source of energy is potential energy of water stored at some high due to the barrage. This energy will be converted to kinetic and then to electrical energy

Opening of barrage doors

Barrage store water during the high tide and when it reached its maximum value doors of barrage are open to let the water flow to the other side

Kinetic energy

As water when stored at some height has some potential energy and when doors are of water atsrt to flow to other side and potential energy is converted in to kinetic energy  which will be used to produce the electrical energy

Using turbines

Up to now potential energy of water is converted into kinetic energy and now this kinetic energy will be converted into the rotational energy of turbine blades when they strike them. Blades attached to a shaft and the shaft is attached to the generator

Electrical energy

Water rotate blades which rotates the shaft and shaft rotates the generator which will produce the electrical energy and one cycle is completed. This process will be continuous till there is difference in the water level

Advantages Of Tidal Power Generation

  • There are many advantages of generating power from the tide; some of them are listed below:
  • Tidal power is a sustainable energy resource.
  • It reduces fossil fuels dependence.
  • It has very less visual impact.
  • Construction of large-scale offshore devices results in new areas of sheltered water, attractive for fish, sea birds, seals and seaweed.
  • Tidal energy is available worldwide on a large scale from deep ocean waters.
  • Tidally driven coastal currents provide an energy density four times greater than air
  • A feature which gives them an advantage over both wind and solar systems is that the tidal currents are both predictable and reliable 
  • Seawater is 832 times as dense as air; therefore the kinetic energy available is much greater than air

Disadvantages Of Tidal Power Generation

  • Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages and limitations to generating tidal power. Some of these are:
  • At the present time there is a problem that the method is not economical.
  • Tidal power systems do not generate electricity at a steady rate and thus not necessarily at times of peak demand
  • Tidal fences could present some difficulty to migrating fish.

Last Words for Tidal Power Plant

So, Our loyal Engineers that was all about Tidal Barrage Power Generation. we are sure you have enjoyed reading it and understood each and everything. 

If you still have any questions please comment below or if you have some better information that we have missed please share with me via the comment box below. 

we will appreciate your efforts. Take A Lot Of Care!

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