What is a Timing Belt , Serpentine Belt & Timing belt Kit

What is a Timing belt?

Timing belt definition “Timing belt is one of the most important machine elements. It helps to transfer power and rotational motion in a completely synchronized manner”. 

Unlike a simple flat belt or a V-belt, a timing belt has teeth on its inner surface. These teeth are very similar to the gear teeth and they work the same as gear teeth. 

Pulleys used for timing belts also have teeth on them. These pulleys are very much like gears. The timing belt and pulley teeth work together to deliver power and rotational motion in a completely synchronized manner.

Due to their teeth timing belts cannot work on a simple flat belt or V-belt pulleys. Similarly Flat and V-belts cannot be used in place of the timing belt.

To read complete timing belt guide we recommend you our article on Timing Belt Material, Types, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages

timing belt moving over a timing belt pulley
timing belt and timing belt pully

What does a timing belt do?

Timing belt works to deliver mechanical power and rotational motion in a fully synchronized manner. 

In an internal combustion engine timing belt works to deliver a synchronized motion between the engine crankshaft and camshaft. This is the reason that the timing belt is also known as a cambelt.

The engine crankshaft works to reciprocate the piston whereas the camshaft works to open and close the fuel inlet and exhaust gasses outlet valve. 

Synchronization provided by the timing belt ensures that valves opening and closing work perfectly with the piston reciprocating motion.

If synchronization between the crankshaft and camshaft fails due to a bad timing belt then engine working and performance will be highly compromised. 

Timing belt in an IC engine with serpentine belt
timing belt on an IC engine

Other than the I.C engine there are other timing belt applications 

When to do Timing Belt Replacement in Engine

Timing belt replacement is something that cannot be delayed once needed. As it is main component that synchronize the engine work, so any issue with it will directly effect the engine performance.

So when to do timing belt replacement? It all depends on three thing.

  • Timing belt mileage life of 60,000 to 100,000 miles has been complete
  • Timing belt life in years that is of 4 to 6 years is over
  • Timing belt is showing any of the following bad symptoms

We recommend you to read our article on Timing belt Replacement, Cost, & Bad Timing Belt Symptoms

What is a Serpentine Belt

Serpentine belt is an other part of car that work with engine crankshaft to deliver power to different car components. 

Serpentine belt connects car air conditioning compressor, alternator, and power steering motor. Serpentine belt take power and rotational motion from engine crankshaft and deliver it to these components so that they can work properly.

Its just like a regular V belt and is made of same material like rubber, urethane, Neoprene, and Polyurethane.

In an engine serpentine belt has multiple V belt groove across its width and can deliver power and rotational motion at quite a high torque.

What does a Serpentine Belt do

Serpentine belt work to deliver power to different car components like air conditioning compressor, engine alternator, and power steering motor.

Without the serpentine belt there will be no power for car air conditioning compressor so it will not work at all. Without the compressor there will be no fluid motion and working of air conditioning unit.

serpentine belt with idler and alternator
serpentine belt with idler and alternator

Similarly without serpentine belt there will be no power for power steering motor so it will not work either. Without power steering motor it will hard to turn the steering wheel thus very difficult to drive the car.

With bad serpentine belt there will be no power for car alternator and with alternator at stalled there will be no power for charging car battery. Soon battery will be fully discharged and it will be very difficult to start the car.

What is Timing belt Kit

When timing belt replacement is needed, its done by replacing the a complete set of timing belt kit. 

Timing belt kit includes; timing  belt, timing belt idler pully, timing belt tensioner, and water pump.

All these components are recommended to be changed with timing belt as these components will have the same life as of the timing belt and have same life span as of timing belt.

Other than life the new timing belt teeth may not set well with old water pump pulley and thus can compromise the working of engine.

What is timing belt tensioner?

Timing belt tensioner is a part of timing belt kit and engine timing setup. This tensioner help to adjust the tension of the timing belt during installation, inspection, and regular maintenance.

timing belt tensioner with timing belt on it
timing belt tensioner with timing belt on it

Timing belt tensioner is just like a flat belt pulley with a spring loaded center bolt. It does not engage the timing belt from its teeth side rather it is in contact with belt from its outer surface.

Position of the tensioner can be adjusted up to few millimeter to adjust the tension of timing belt. Simple rotate the tensioner bolt and adjust its position and tension of timing belt.

What is Timing Chain Kit and Bad Timing Chain Symptoms

Does Timing chains go bad and is so what are the bad timing chain symptoms ? Like all parts of an engine, the timing chain will also subject to wear & tear and will also need replacement to maintain engine performance. 

A timing chain life is usually as long as the any other major engine part life is and it last the entire engine life.

In some cases these timing chains do need early replacement. In those cases there are usually some timing chain symptoms that show the timing chain has gone bad and need replacement. 

These timing chain are always replaced and are available as a complete set known as timing chain kit. So out this article is all about the timing chain kit and bad timing chain symptoms

Timing Chain Kit

Engine timing chain is one of the parts of the timing chain kit. The system that manages the engine timing i.e. valve opening and closing on a whole is known as engine timing chain kit. 

The timing chain kit consists of sprockets, timing chain whether single roller or double roller, chain tensioner and sliding rail, seals and other required accessories. All the parts of the timing chain are matched together to attain a smooth and efficient operation.

It is usually suggested that the whole engine timing chain kit must be replaced along with the timing chain because parts of kit from different manufacturer may not work together smoothly. The replacement of whole timing kit will keep the system safe from further defects also. 

To Know about Timing Chain basics read our article on What is a Timing Chain? What Does It Do? and How its Different from Timing Belt and To learn about timing chain kit or bad timing belt symptom read our article on Timing Chain life, Cost and Replacement

What Is A Timing Chain Tensioner?

The proper amount of tension in a timing chain is very important for the engine’s efficient performance. A slack timing chain will result in the improper combustion and untimed valve opening and closing which results in the poor overall engine performance. 

Chain tensioners are used to ensure the appropriate amount of timing chain tension. A tensioner can have a variety of arrangements depending upon its use but mainly there are two types of chain tensioners that are commonly used for this purpose. 

The first of chain tensioner is called as hydraulic chain tensioner. A hydraulic chain tensioner consist of a hydraulic actuator, a lever and a tensioner pulley bearing exerts a suitable amount of hydraulic pressure using a hydraulic pump.  

The second type of chain tensioner is known as mechanical chain tensioner. A mechanical chain tensioner is quite simple in construction and it exerts the right amount of tension on the chain that goes around camshaft and crankshaft sprockets. 

A mechanical chain tensioner uses mechanical springs to attain the desired or appropriate amount of tension. A proper amount of tension also keep the timing chain system from wear and tear and enhances the working cycle of the timing chain system.

Does Timing Chain Needs to be replaced?

The answer to this question is a big Yes! A timing chain is made out of metal but this does not make it invincible and it needs to be replaced like other parts of the engine. But worry not as the replacement of a timing chain is not a routine task. 

But if the life of the timing chain is over, it must be replaced as a preventive measure for the better engine performance. A faulty timing chain may cause a rattling or clattering sound which can be very annoying and detrimental to the engine’s health. Several problems such as damage to the engine valves and pistons can also occur. 

An overused timing chain can become stretched and loose which will affect the operation of engine valves and the quality of combustion and power will also be affected. Hence, the well-timed replacement a defective timing chain is imperative. 

Furthermore, the sprockets must also be replaced with the timing chain because a worn sprocket will not mesh with the chain properly influencing the engine’s performance. 

Timing Chain Symptoms (Bad Timing Chain Symptoms)

A timing chain is an important engine part that links the upper part of the engine i.e. valves and cylinder head to the lower parts of the engine i.e. pistons and crankcase. 

A timing chain is usually replaced after a certain mileage of the engine but its replacement might also become indispensable under certain conditions. Following are the bad timing chain symptoms

  • If the engine is not starting or facing difficulty in start, the timing chain must be checked.

  • A rattling or clattering sound from the front side of the engine body near the timing chain cover region also indicate a problem in the timing chain. The rattling sound will be loud and easy noticeable in the cold engine as compared to the hot engine. 
  • In the idle condition, the engine will vibrate more than normal if the timing chain is loose or out of order.
  • As the timing chain run the engine valves hence a problem with the timing chain will surely affect the combustion process in the engine and it will cause misfire and sluggishness.
  • As the quality of combustion in an engine is directly related to the proper working of the timing chain therefore reduced fuel economy can also be an indicator of a faulty timing chain.
  • Poor engine performance and overheating can also be a sign of malfunctioning timing chain.

Last Words

So that was our writeup for timing chain kit, timing chain tensioner, and bad timing chain symptoms. Its important to know that timing chains are always replaced as a kit and tensioner is an important part of the kit. 

Its also important to know bad timing chain symptoms as their complete failure can be prove harmful for other parts of engine.

If your still have any question as ask them in comments or contact us through the contact form. We will be happy to help you.

Timing Chain life, Cost and Replacement

Timing Chain like timing belts are used to synchronize the engine piston and inlet outlet valves. Like all other mechanical components these chains also get subjected to wear. 

Due to this these timing chains needed to be replaced once their useful life ends. This article is all about the timing chain life, cost, and replacement.

To have general understanding of timing chain read out article on What is a timing chain? and to about about the timing chain kit or bad timing chain symptom read our article on What is Timing Chain Kit and Bad Timing Chain Symptoms

Life of Timing Chain

The timing chains are made of metals and can be used for a very long time. Different types of timing chains can have different life spans. Life of a timing chain in an engine usually depends upon the mileage of a vehicle. 

The normal replacement of a timing chain is done after a mileage of 80,000-120,000 Miles. But there are other important factors that can play a vital role in increasing or decreasing the life of a timing chain. 

  • The working life of different types of timing chains whether single or double roller chain or bush chain or toothed chains will be different. Double roller chains as compared to single roller chains have a longer working life.
  • The type of material and quality of the chain also play a vital role in increasing or decreasing the life of a timing chain.
  • Engine’s working temperature may also affect the life of a timing chain.
  • If the timing chain is getting properly lubricated, its life will surely be extended. Proper lubrication refers to the replacement of engine oil on regular basis.
  • The choice of proper engine oil and its pressure is also imperative in increasing or decreasing the life of a timing chain. Using the wrong engine oil will cause the timing chain to wear quickly. 

Timing Chain’s Cost

Different type of timing chains came in different price ranges. Its price also changes with the change in the type of vehicle and the quality of timing chain. 

The price of a simple timing chain of a bike or bicycle may vary between US$2 to US$8. 

Whereas the timing chain of car may cost you between US$300 to US$1000 and price may go up with the increasing size of the engine.

Timing Chain Replacement Cost

Timing chain replacement is not an expensive maintenance task. If a problem related to the timing chain has been diagnosed in the engine, the repair is not going to be cheaper. 

The cost of timing chain replacement can vary from US$500 to US$1200 if you are managing the repair yourself. 

On the other hand, the repair can take around US$1,500 to US$4,000 if you visit a professional mechanic. 

Although, the cost of timing chain replacement can vary from case to case but there are several factors that are to be kept in mind that affects the cost of replacement before you go to replace the timing chain of the engine.

  • Price of timing chain vary with the quality of timing chain and the model of the vehicle. 
  • For some brands, the price of timing chain is lower than the other brands. 

  • The quality of the chain must be extremely good as any compromise on it will be equivalent to the compromise on the performance of the engine.
  • The labor rate is another important factor that should not go unnoticed. 
  • The labor cost for the replacement of the timing chain is going to be comparatively higher as the replacement of the timing chain requires the removal of many engine parts and sometimes engine is taken out of the vehicle for the replacement of timing chain. 
  • Usually, the labor cost in suburban areas is lesser than in the areas that are close to the downtown.

  • In some of the cases, only the timing chain might be replaced. 
  • But, in most of the cases it will not only be the timing chain that would be replaced but other related parts should also be expected to be replaced during the repairing process such sprockets, sprocket bearings, and tensioners etc. 

  • Furthermore, it is also recommended to replace the whole timing chain system when repairing or replacing timing chain to avoid any misalignment or error in the meshing of chains and sprockets.

Timing Chain Replacement Procedure

The replacement of the timing chain is a cumbersome process therefore it is strongly recommended to visit a professional mechanic to get it replaced. 

The replacement of timing chain in an engine might change with the change in engine’s model but below is the generic DIY step by step procedure of replacing a faulty or malfunctioning timing chain.

  • First of all make sure that your engine is equipped with a timing chain and not timing belt. 
  • To make it sure, you can refer to an experienced mechanic or user manual of your vehicle. 
  • It is suggested to keep the user manual with you during the replacement process.
  • During the process of timing chain replacement, many of the engine parts will be disassembled. 
  • In few cases, you may actually need to take out the engine as a whole. 
  • For this, referring to the user manual of the vehicle is extremely necessary to see the specific procedures for the vehicle.
  • Before starting the replacement process, make sure that the engine is cold and use a degreaser to clean the engine to increase your visibility for any leakage or wear and tear of other components.
  • One must refer to the user manual of the vehicle to know the firing order of the engine because the first cylinder in the firing order will need to be checked in a later stage during the process.
  • The next step is to disconnect the radiator. To do this, drain the radiator and take the coolant out of it. Afterwards, disconnect the hoses that are connecting radiator and engine. 
  • In some engines, it might also be required to drain engine oil and power steering fluid as well.
  • Refer to the user manual of the vehicle to remove the belt drives. For serpentine belt, use spring loaded tensioner to remove it.  
  • To take out the timing chain, you will need to uncover the engine block. Locate the camshaft and crankshaft using the user manual of the vehicle. 
  • Afterwards, install the new timing chain and lubricate the gears before doing so to optimize the timing chain performance. 
  • Also replace the crankshaft seal and make sure to compress it appropriately before covering the engine block.
  • The last step in the process now is to reconnect the belt drives and cooling system of the engine. 
  • Start the engine to observe if there is any leakage. If not, then your engine is ready to drive again.

What is a Timing Chain & What does it do

Timing chain is an integral part of an internal combustion engine ( IC engine). They work to deliver a synchronize rotation motion between engine crank shaft and engine camshaft.

This article is brief introduction of timing chain, what doe timing chain do and how its different from timing belt (timing chain vs timing belt) 

To Know about Timing Chain Cost, Replacement read our article on Timing Chain life, Cost and Replacement and To learn about timing chain kit or bad timing belt symptom read our article on What is Timing Chain Kit and Bad Timing Chain Symptoms

timing chain on car engine
Timing Chain on Internal Combustion Engine

What is a Timing Chain?

A timing chain is used to connect the crankshaft and camshaft with each other to monitor the engine timing. Engine timing refers to the upward and downward movement of the pistons and opening and closing of the fuel inlet and gasses exhaust valves. 

A timing chain is enclosed within the engine and it is lubricated with the engine oil inside the engine. 

Both crankshaft and camshaft usually have sprockets attached at their one end and a timing chain is wrapped across the sprockets to connect them with each other. 

Types of timing chains

There are different types of timing chains which are categorized according to their design. 

The types of timing chains are roller chains, bush chains and toothed chains. Roller chains are further categorized into single roller chain and double roller chain. 

Single roller chain is much like a chain of a bicycle whereas double roller chain have dual gears with a chain row on each gear. Roller chains are the most famous and widely used type of timing chains. 

Roller chains have higher strength, reduced friction, less wear and give better noise and vibration performance. Double roller chains are more durable, long lasting are ideal for performance applications. 

Bush chains are used in heavy and high speed diesel engines whereas toothed chains are not used for heavy duty engines and are also known as silent chains. 

There is also a fourth type of timing chain which is a combination of toothed chain and sleeve chain to enhance the power transmission performance of toothed chain. 

What Does a Timing Chain Do?

Proper combustion is extremely important for the normal and efficient working of an engine. 

Several other factors such as fuel quality, engine temperature and number of power strokes etc. play a vital role in the combustion phenomenon. 

But, the timely opening and closing of exhaust and inlet valves are of extreme importance in enriching the combustion quality. 

In an internal combustion engine, the power generated during the combustion stroke is received at the crankshaft which runs the camshaft. 

The purpose of camshaft is to operate the valves at the suitable rate and this is done by mechanical transmission. 

A timing chain serves this purpose and it is an engine’s component that is used to synchronize the motion of camshaft and crankshaft for the proper and timely opening and closing of the engine’s valves. 

The valves allow appropriate amount of fuel and exhaust gases to enter and leave the engine’s cylinders respectively to produce the required amount of combustion at a specific speed. 

In many vehicles, fuel pump, oil pump and distributor are indirectly being drive by the timing chain. Hence, a sloppy chain can affect the overall performance of the vehicle. 

Furthermore, a timing chain also serves the purpose of a damper i.e. it absorbs the vibrations of crankshaft before transmitting the power to camshaft.

Advantages of Timing Chain Over Timing Belt

  • Timing chain made of metal will last longer then timing belt as they are made of rubber
  • Timing chain offer more strength than timing belt
  • They can handle more engine torque and power as compared to timing belt
  • Due to their design, timing chain cannot slip and thus offer much higher performance as compared to timing belt

Timinng Belt Replacement Cost & Bad Timing Belt Symptoms

A Timing belt replacement cost can vary from $300 to $500. Timing belt need replacement when it turn bad. Bad timing belting symptoms includes rough idling, bad engine noise, engine misfiring, and poor engine efficiency.

The timing belt also known as the cambelt or the camshaft belt is a crucial part of an internal combustion engine. 

The working of an IC engine completely depends on the timing belt, as it synchronizes the motion of different engine components. This article is the ultimate guide for IC engine timing belts. 

This article is about the Timing Belt Replacement Costbad timing belt symptomsWe will also study different factors that involved in bad timing belts.

Timing belt . jpge
Timing Belt

Timing Belt in IC Engine

In internal combustion engine, timing belts are used to deliver a synchronize rotational motion of crankshaft to camshaft. This enables the engine piston and engine fuel inlet and gas outlet valves to work in perfect synchronization. 

Engine Pistons are connected to crank shaft and their reciprocating motion rotates the crankshaft. Now for proper working of engine, the engine inlet value should open and let the fuel enter the combustion chamber at the right time. 

When piston compresses the fuel and combustion starts, both values should be in close condition. After combustion when piston move back the outlet valve should open and let the exhaust gasses out.

Any damage or failure of timing belt can prove very harmful to engine performance and can physically damage engine parts.

To know more We recommend you to read our article on Timing Belt Material, Types, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages

What happen if timing belt breaks or fail in Engine

If timing belt get damage of fails due to any reason then it can cause follow problems and  issues to the IC engine.

Total Engine Stall

As soon as the timing belt breaks and fails to deliver synchronize motion, the drive will experience total engine stall. There will be no opening and closing of engine valves, so no combustion and no power. 

Broken Engine inlet and outlet valves

Based on the type of engine that is interfering and non interfering engine, there can be partially damaged or completely broken engine inlet and outlet valves.

Damaged Piston

Just like the valves the piston of the engine can get damaged if the timing belt broke during driving. 

Damaged valve seat

Valve seat is that place where inlet and outlet valve set themselves during their close state. In interfering engines piston can impact or strike with the valves and valve seat and damage them badly.

When to change timing belt? (Life of timing belt)

When to change the timing belt depends on the current condition of the belt. If the belt is worn out and it is not performing as per expectations then you can change the timing belt.

The standard useful life of a timing belt is anywhere from 60,000 miles to 100,000 miles or 100,000 to 160,000 kilometers. The life of the timing belt is also calculated in years if you don't drive your vehicle much. 

Belt material degrades over time and the belt needs replacement even if it has not reached the said miles or kilometers. The life of the timing belt is about 4 to 6 years and it is highly recommended to change the belt after 6 years.

How much is a timing belt / How much does timing belt cost?

As far as How much a timing belt or how much does timing belt costs are concerned. It all depends on the specific timing belt you need for your car engine. 

The timing belt does not cost much. A good quality timing belt cost anything between $30 to $50 but usually, they are provided with a complete kit.

The average cost of a timing belt kit is about $100 to $300 or 80 to 250 GBP. This timing belt kit includes a timing belt, timing belt tensioner, idler pulley, and engine water pump. 

Timing belt replacement cost

Timing belt replacement cost can vary between $300 to $500 or 250 to 400 GBP. It Depends on the vehicle make and model, engine make and model, workshop location and labor costs. 

During the timing belt replacement, it's neither the timing belt nor the timing belt kit that involves the major cost. It's the labor that costs the most. 

This makes the cost of the entire process of a timing belt replacement about $400 to $800.

Note: it's just a rough estimation of why most workshops have shown on their web pages. It all depends on where you live and what car model or engine you have.

Timing belt on IC Engine . jpge
Timing belt on IC Engine

To know more We recommend you to read our article on Timing Belt , Serpentine Belt & Timing belt Kit

Bad Timing Belt Symptoms

A timing belt is a crucial part of an engine, so its failure can cause serious damage to the engine. Good thing is that several bad timing belt symptoms that highlight the issue before complete belt failure. 

Here are the top 9 bad timing belt symptoms

Check Engine Light

Check engine light can be the first and most important sign of a bad timing belt. A bad timing belt can affect the engine in many different ways. 

If it gets detected by the engine control unit then the check engine light will turn on. This will alarm the driver that something is wrong with the car engine. 

There is no surety that the error is off the timing belt only. So drivers must look for other symptoms too.

Rough idling

If the engine cambelt is worn or not working properly then the engine idling process will be very rough. 

Drive can easily differentiate between normal idling and rough idling just based on vibration and sound. 

During rough idling, there will be a lot of variation in engine RPM where engine RPM will do well below the standard value.

Engine Misfiring

Due to a bad timing belt, the engine will misfire too much. This misfiring will make the engine lose power during driving, especially at the start. 

This is due to the timing belt being responsible for synchronizing motion between the piston and fuel inlet value. 

If synchronization is off then the fuel burning will be affected heavily. This makes the engine misfire.

Bad Engine Noise

With a damaged timing belt there will be some bad engine noises. These noises will be due to a lack of synchronization between the piston and exhaust value. 

The exhaust valve should work in accordance with the engine piston for the timely removal of gasses. 

If the engine moves forward with the exhaust valve closed and gasses intrepid then this will produce a strange knocking and tapping sound in the engine.

Overheated Engine

With a bad timing belt and in a specific case there will be an overheated engine. 

The timing belt is also responsible for rotating the coolant motor and if the timing belt is worn or is slipping then it will affect coolant circulation in the engine. This will surely overheat the engine.

Low Fuel Efficiency

With a lack of synchronization between the fuel inlet and combustion process, there will be a lot of fuel that does unburn. 

This highly affects the fuel efficiency of the engine as not all the fuel used is burned to produce power. 

Extra Emission

With a lack of synchronization between the fuel inlet and combustion process, there will also be a lot of unburnt or partial fuel in exhaust gasses. 

This makes the invisible exhaust visible and thus produces extra emissions too. 

Difficulty in achieving high power

The effect of a bad timing belt became more prominent when the engine tried to run at full power. 

All those factors that were very minute at low power or speed will now have an exponential effect on engine performance.

The engine will not start

There is high chance that the engine will not start due to a bad timing belt. As the belt fails to provide synchronization between the combustion and fuel inlet resulting in a complete failure of the engine combustion process. This will make the engine very difficult to start.

Factors that affect timing belt life

Timing belts are designed for a long life as their proper working is very important and their replacement cost a lot. There are several factors that affect timing belt life and can reduce it significantly.

These factors includes engine oil leak, very high temperature, high working load, timing belt exposed to dust, sand or mud, low quality timing belt material.

Engine oil when leaked into the timing belt section can significantly reduce the timing belt life. Engine oil make belt slippery and serious affect its performance. 

Engine oil will also make the dust stick on the belt thus increasing its wear rate. This will reduce the belt life.

Extremely high temperature will also effect the timing belt life. High temperature can make the belt soft and easy to stretch. This compromises the belt working and its life too.

Last words about Timing belt

Timing belt / cambelt or engine timing belt are one of the most important parts of an IC engine. They work to provide synchronization between engine crankshaft and camshaft. 

So its very important to know all about the timing belt like their life, cost, replacement, bad timing belt symptoms and what can affect the timing belt life.

Centrifugal Pump Parts, Working, Advantages and Disadvantages

What is Centrifugal pump? centrifugal pump is one which uses the centrifugal force to pump up the water to a certain head. 

This type of pump first rotate water using its impeller and then the that rotational motion push water out with a great force.

This force out going water is due to the centrifugal force of rotating water. Centrifugal force try to trough water away in a direction tangent to the water circular motion.

Centrifugal pump have some certain advantages over reciprocating pump. So we have created this comprehensive article about it. 

Centrifugal Pump Diagram
Centrifugal Pump Diagram

Classification or Types of Centrifugal Pump

Following is division of types of centrifugal pump

1. Type of casing

2. Working head 

3. Liquid handled

4. Number of impellers per shaft

5. Number of entrances to the impeller

6. Relative direction of flow through impeller

1. Type of casing

According to the type of casing centrifugal pump have two basic types

1.1 Volute casing

In order to increase the pressure head, the velocity of water is decrease. It is done by gradually increasing the area of the casing from the impeller out let

1.2 Vortex Casing

If a circular chamber known as vortex is introduce between the impeller and chamber then the casing is called vortex casing . Its main function is to convert the kinetic energy into pressure energy

2. Working head 

Each pump can pump up a water to a certain height so following are the types of centrifugal pump according to the working head

2.1 Low lift centrifugal pump   

2.2 Medium lift centrifugal pumps

2.3 High lift centrifugal pumps

Low lift centrifugal pump are capable of working against heads up to 15 m. Medium lift centrifugal pump are basically used against the heads as high as 40 m and High lift centrifugal pumps are used to deliver liquids at heads above 40 m.

3. Liquid handled

According to the type of liquid pumped centrifugal pump is classified into three types

3.1 Pure liquid

When pure liquid is to pumped the centrifugal pump with the closed impeller are used because they have better guidance and high efficiency

3.2 Little impure liquid

When liquid have a little impurity then centrifugal pump with semi open impeller are used

3.3 Liquid with solid matter

When sewage, paper pulp, water containing sand or grit is to be pumped then pump with open impeller is used.

4. Number of impellers per shaft

There are various numbers of impeller that can be diploid on the shaft of a pump and following are the classification based on the number of pumps

4.1 Single stage centrifugal pump

Single stage centrifugal pump is one which has only one impeller attached to the shaft. they are used in place where low head and low discharge rate is required

4.2 Multi-stage centrifugal pump

 Multi-stage centrifugal pump is one which has more then one impeller attached to a single shaft. they are used in place where high head and high discharge is required

5. Number of entrances to the impeller

Usually it is consider that pump have only one entrance and one leaving point but there could be more than one and following is classification base upon number of entrances a pump have

1. Single entry or single suction pump

2. Double entry or double suction pump

Single entry also called single suction pump is one in which water is admitted on one side of the impeller. 

Double entry or you can say double suction pump is one in which water is admitted on both sides of the impeller; axial thrust is neutralized. They are usually employed for pumping large quantities of water.

6. Relative direction of flow through impeller

Depending upon the direction of the liquid flow centrifugal pump can be classified as follow

1. Radial flow pump

2. Axial flow pump

3. Mixed flow pump

Radial flow pump are one in which regular radial flow impellers are used. Axial flow pump are one in which designed to deliver low head but huge quantity of water. Mixed flow pump are mostly used for irrigation purpose

Centrifugal Pump Parts

We will discuss the centrifugal pump parts by starting from suction of water and will end at delivery of water at reservoir. So parts of centrifugal pumps are as follow.

Suction Side Parts of Centrifugal Pump

Starting the discussion on parts of a centrifugal pump from section side of the pump is important. As most of the important and crucial parts of centrifugal pump are on suction side.

Suction pipe

Pipe which lifts the liquid from the sump and provides it to the pump at the impeller eye is called suction pipe. Suction is made air tight in order to stop the formation of air pocket with in the pump


A strainer is attached at that end of the suction pipe which is dipped into the sump. Its main function is to stop the solid particle from entry into the pipe

Foot valve

Just above the strainer there is afoot valve whose function is to prevent the back flow of water when pump is stopped. It is also priming of pump


It is just like a wheel with a few number of vanes attached to it. It is mounted on to a shaft which is rotated by an electric motor. There are three main types of impellers used by the centrifugal pump.

Shrouded or closed impeller

Impeller type is which there are vanes with metal cover or vanes with shrouds ends. They have an advantages that they have better guidance and high efficiency but there is one limitation that should be clean and pure

Semi open impeller

In this type of impeller vanes have no crown plates and only have a base plate they have an advantages a over closed impeller that they can pump liquid with little impurities. 

Open impeller

In this type of impeller vanes are open from both sides or you can say that they are lacking base plate and crown plate. Their advantages is that they can pump sewerage water, paper pulp and other impure liquid with suspended particles

centrifugal pump diagram . jpge
centrifugal pump impeller diagram


Impeller of the pump is surrounded by the air tight metal chamber called pump casing. Arrangement is made on casing for the attachment of the suction and delivery pipe. It function is to guide the incoming water toward the impeller and take high kinetic energy water from impeller. Its other function is to convert the kinetic energy of the water into the pressure energy

There are three basic types of casing in centrifugal pump

  1. Volute casing
  2. Vortex casing
  3. Casing with guide blades

centrifugal pump diagram . jpge
centrifugal pump diagram . jpge
centrifugal pump diagram

Delivery side parts of Centrifugal Pump

Discussing the water delivery side parts of centrifugal pump is also important. They are less in number but are equally important as suction side centrifugal pump parts

Delivery pipe 

Pipe which takes the high pressure liquid from the pump and deliver it to the reservoir is called delivery pipe

Delivery valve

Delivery valve is provided at the delivery pipe near the attachment point of pipe and pump. It is use for priming and stopping the back flow of liquid.

Working of  Centrifugal Pump

Centrifugal pump work on the principle of centrifugal force.  Centrifugal force in one is tried to take away a rotating body from its center of rotation. 

In centrifugal pump when a liquid is rotated by the impellers of pump then centrifugal force created will draw away the rotating liquid from the central axis and so a centrifugal head is created which enable the liquid to rise up to a certain level.

Step by step working of centrifugal is given below

Priming of pump

Filling of pump with water so that no air pocket is left in pump is called priming of pump. Priming is done by closing the delivery pipe and fills the whole pump (that is casing, delivery pipe up to valve and suction pipe) with water.

Creating strong suction

A strong suction is needed to start the suction of the liquid from the source. For this purpose delivery valve is kept close and pump is started. Rotating impeller will create a strong suction or vacuum at the eye of impeller.

Creating the normal pressure

Rotation speed of the impeller is increase with the delivery valve closed until it attains a normal speed. With this speed pump establish a normal pressure required to start pumping

Suction of liquid 

When pump establish a normal pressure then delivery valve is opened and liquid is sucked into suction pipe and enter into casting through the impeller eye. In casting rotating impeller rotate the liquid and thus create the centrifugal force needed to create the centrifugal head


When liquid in the casing attains a specific centrifugal force it is pushed into the delivery pipe and taken to a specific height due to centrifugal head

Continuous process

As long as the impeller of the pump continuous to rotate there will be a suction pressure at inlet and centrifugal head at outlet and the liquid will be transfer from source to reservoir

Closing the pump

When you need to close the pump, first the delivery valve is closed and then impeller should stop rotation. Otherwise there will be some back flow from reservoir 

Like every thing else centrifugal pump has their own advantages and disadvantages. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of centrifugal pump

Follow are the advantages and disadvantages of centrifugal pump

Advantages of centrifugal pump

  • As there is no drive seal so there is no leakage in pump
  • It can pump hazardous liquids
  • There are very less frictional losses
  • There in almost no noise
  • Pump has almost have 100 efficiency
  • Centrifugal pump have minimum wear with respect to others
  • There is a gap between pump chamber and motor, so there is no heat transfer between them
  • Because of the gap between pump chamber and motor, water cannot enter into motor
  • Centrifugal pump use magnetic coupling which breakup on high load eliminating the risk of damaging the motor

Disadvantages of centrifugal pump

  • Because of the magnetic resistance in centrifugal pump there is some energy losses
  • Unexpected heavy load may cause the coupling to slip
  • ferrous particles in liquid are problematic when you are using magnetic drive. 
  • This is because particle collect at centrifugal pump impeller and cause the stoppage of pump after some time

Centrifugal pump vs Positive Displacement pump or Reciprocating pump

There are two main types to pumps available 

1. Centrifugal pump

2. Reciprocating pump

The centrifugal pump claims to have following advantages over positive displacement pump. So here is over positive displacement pump vs centrifugal pump section.

1. Because of fewer parts centrifugal pump have less cost than reciprocating pump

2. Also because of fewer parts installation and maintenance are easier and cheaper as compared to reciprocating pump

3. Centrifugal pump have much greater discharging capacity than reciprocating pump

4. Centrifugal pump is compact and small in size and have less weight for the same capacity and energy transfer as compared to reciprocating pump

5. Centrifugal pump performance  characteristics are superior as compared to reciprocating pump

6. Centrifugal pump can be used for lifting highly viscous liquid such as paper pulp, muddy and sewage water sugar molasses and oil but reciprocating pump cannot do that

7. Centrifugal pump can be used at high speed without the danger of separation and cavitation whereas reciprocating pump has a danger of separation and cavitation

8. Centrifugal pump can be directly coupled to an oil engine or electric motor whereas reciprocating pump lack this property

9. The torque on the power source is uniform, the output from the pump is also uniform

However, the reciprocating pump have higher efficiency than centrifugal pump and that's why they are still employed for uniform heads and small discharges. 

A reciprocating pump has the ability to producing very high pressure as compared to centrifugal and so that’s why they are used for lifting oils from very deep oil wells. 

Timing Belt : Working, Material, Types, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages

A timing belt is a simplest of machine element designed to transfer motion in an synchronized manner. 

This article is about the timing belt working, material, types, applications, advantages, and disadvantages.

Working of Timing belt

Timing belt has teeth on them and these teeth meshes with the teeth of belt pulley. They work much like gears to get a precise rotation motion from their pulley and transfer that precise motion to the next pulley.

Timing belt is design to overcome the slip problem of flat or V belt and deliver power and motion in a precise and synchronized manner.

To know more we recommend you to read our article on Timing Belt , Serpentine Belt & Timing belt Kit

Material of a Timing belt

Rubber is the most common material but a timing belt can be manufactured using several materials. The material of a timing belt can vary Depending on the requirements like wear resistance, tensile strength, fatigue strength, and creep. 

It depends a lot on the application where the timing belt will be used. Following are the three most used materials for a timing belt
  • Urethane
  • Neoprene
  • Polyurethane

Urethane timing belt has a very low rate of elongation and can easily handle the high tensile load. This material can resist very high temperatures and can maintain high dimensional accuracy.  

Polyurethane timing belt (a mixture of urethane and polyester) is a common material for applications where timing belts have to take a lot of shock load. 

These materials make belts stronger, more durable, and more flexible. The polyurethane timing belt is recommended for intermediate shock load applications. 

Neoprene fiberglass timing belts are known for their long shelf life and ultraviolet UV-resistant material. These timing belts can easily be used in corrosive and chemical-related environments.

Applications of Timing Belt (Timing Belt Functions)

Two of the most common applications of timing belts include a stitching machine or sewing machine and an internal combustion engine. 

In sewing machines or stitching machines, a timing belt is used to deliver power and rotational motion in a synchronized manner. 

It delivers power from the machine motor to the machine mechanism. The machine mechanism is designed to convert rotational motion into needle-reciprocating motion.

Sewing Machine Timing belt . jpge
Sewing Machine Timing belt

In internal combustion engines, timing belts work to deliver synchronized rotational motion from the engine crankshaft to the engine camshaft. 

This results in a synchronized motion between the engine piston and inlet & outlet valve. 

Another relatively new but interesting application of the timing belt is a 3D printer. 3D Printer uses a timing belt to transfer motion from its stepper motor to its building platform and nozzle or hot end. 

Other than this there are hundreds of different timing belt applications like

  • Small CNC machines
  • Small synchronized conveyor mechanism
  • Treadmill
We recommend you to read our article on Timing belt Replacement, Cost, & Bad Timing Belt Symptoms

Types of Timing Belts

Based on the application there are several types of timing belts. These types of the timing belt can be arranged into the following patterns
  • Imperial system timing belt
  • Metric system timing belt
Timing belts are classified by the pitch in the imperial system or the number of timing belt teeth in an inch. Similarly in the metric system, timing belts are classified with the pitch in the metric system. 

Note: Pitch is the linear distance between a point on one tooth and the same point on the next consecutive teeth.

Next in each system of measurement, a timing belt can have several teeth profiles including 

  • Trapezoidal
  • Curvilinear
timing belt tooth type . jpge
timing belt tooth type

In the trapezoidal tooth profile, the timing belt teeth work easily as belt teeth work perfectly with pulley teeth. This gives high efficiency and high-speed transfer between rotational motion input and output.

In the curvilinear tooth profile, the timing belt teeth work smoothly as belt teeth move more deeply into pulley teeth. This enables high power and torque transmission between rotational motion input and output.

Some other very specific timing belt profiles help to deliver synchronized rotational motion in some very dedicated applications. These timing belt profiles include

  • Standard Trapezoidal tooth profile
  • High Torque Drive Profile HTD
  • High Power Drive Profile STD
  • High Power Drive Profile RPP

timing belt profiles . jpge
timing belt profiles

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Timing Belt

Just like other modes of power transfer like timing gear and timing chain, there are some advantages and disadvantages of a timing belt.

Advantages Of a Timing Belt

  • A Timing belt is much quieter than a timing gear and timing chain. They produce zero to very low levels of noise. 
  • It is a cost-effective solution for synchronized power and rotational motion transfer. 
  • It takes a lot less effort and costs during maintenance and replacement. They are very easy to maintain and replace as compared to timing chains and gear.
  • It is a very lightweight as compared to a gear and timing chain. So it does not put extra weight on the engine of any machine.

Disadvantages Of a Timing Belt

  • A timing belt has a shorter life span as compared to a timing chain and timing gear. So they involve much more replacement work as compared to other methods.
  • It  can easily be affected by dirt and engine oil. So they need regular maintenance and inspection. This adds cost and time against them. 
  • It can only work for small loads as compared to timing gear and timing chain. They are recommended for small engines only.
  • It  has much greater chances of stretching over time as compared to timing gear and timing chain. This can affect engine synchronization. 

What is Reciprocating Pump: types, Parts, Working, Advantages, and Disadvantages

What is reciprocating pump? its a one of the most common type of pump used for all types of applications including domestic water pump. 

A reciprocating pump is one that move water due to the reciprocating (forward and backward action) motion of its piston. 

Piston moves back and pump suck in water from its source and as piston move forward the pump pushes the water out with great force and pressure.

Types of Reciprocating Pump

Follow are the three fields in which the reciprocating are classified

1. According to the contact between water and plunger

2. According to the number of cylinders

3. According to the air vessel

According to the contact between water and plunger

Single acting pump

A single acting pump is one which has one suction valve, delivery valve and one suction and delivery pipe. It suck up the fluid only in one direction and in single stroke called  suction stroke and deliver it in a single stroke called delivery stroke

Single acting reciprocating pump
Single acting reciprocating pump

Double acting pump

A double acting pump is one which has two suction valves, delivery valves and two suction and delivery pipes. If we suppose that piston is in the center of the cylinder then one suction and delivery pipe is on one side and one delivery and suction pipe is on other side of the piston.

double acting reciprocating pump
double acting reciprocating pump

According to the number of cylinders

1. Single cylinder pump

Single cylinder pump is one in which their is only cylinder connected to a single shaft. It could be a single acting or double acting pump.

2. Double cylinder pump

Double cylinder pump is one which have two cylinder attached to a single shaft. Separate suction and delivery valve is provided to each cylinder. Crank of the pump is set at an angle of 180 

3. Triple cylinder pump

When the pump has three cylinders attached to a single shaft then the pump is called triple cylinder pump. Crank is set at an angle of 120

According to the air vessel

1. With air vessel

Some reciprocating pump are provided with a separate air vessel attached to the suction and delivery valve. Its main function is to accumulate excess quantity of water by compressing the air in the vessel

2. With out Air vessel

Some pump lack the air vessel because of the nature of their work. for example the reciprocating boiler feed pumps does not have air vessel because they may introduce air into the deairated water

Parts of reciprocating pump 

Parts of reciprocating pump with their details are as follow


Crank is a circular disk attached to the motor and used to transfer the rotation motion of the motor to the piston

Connecting rod

Connecting rod is the long solid rod. It provide connection between crank and the piston. It also convert the rotation motion of crank into the linear motion of the piston.


Piston is the solid cylinder like part of the pump which moves linearly in the hollow cylinder of the pump. It motion is main reason behind suction and deliverance of the liquid

Components of reciprocating pump . jpge
Components of reciprocating pump


It is a hollow cylinder in which piston moves. Suction and deliverance take place with in it. Suction and delivery pipe and valves are attached to its one end piston come and go back from other end.

Suction pipe

Pipe which take liquid from the source and provide it to the cylinder of the pump  is called suction pump

Suction valve

It is one way valve place between suction pipe and cylinder of the pump. It is open when suction take place and close when delivery of the water is taking place

Delivery pipe

Pipe which take water from the cylinder of the pump and provide it to the tank is called delivery  pipe.

Delivery valve

It is one away vale and placed at the point of attachment of delivery pipe with cylinder. It is open when delivery of water is taking place and closed when suction of water in taking place


It is a filter like parts provided at the end of suction pipe. Its main function is to stop is solid particles from entering into the pipe

Air vessel

Installed at the suction and delivery pipe and its main function is to give a steady flow by reducing the frictional head 

Working of Reciprocating Pump

Now we will discuss the working of two basic types of reciprocating 

  • single acting reciprocating pump 
  • double acting reciprocating pump

Working of Single acting reciprocating pump


Let us suppose that the pump piston is at the inner dead centre and the crank start to rotate in the clock wise direction. As the crank start to rotate piston start to move toward the outer dead centre. 

As the piston moves back vacuum is created and force the suction valve to open and suck up the water from the sump into the cylinder of the pump

Single acting reciprocating pump


Now after the suction process is complete, piston of the pump is at the outer dead centre. As crank continuous to rotate the piston of the pump is now force to move toward the inner dead centre and in doing so piston force the water and creates the pressure inside the pump and as the pressure reached a specific value delivery valve is open and water is transfer to the tank.

Working of Double acting reciprocating pump

Piston moving in right direction

let us suppose that the piston is initially at the centre of the cylinder and crank start to rotate on clock wise direction so the piston will move toward the right side and thus vacuum is created at left side of the piston and pressure is created at the right side of the piston. 

Vacuum at left side force the water to move into the cylinder from the sump and pressure at the right force the water to move up from the delivery pipe in to the tank

Double acting reciprocating pump . jpge

Piston moving in left direction

As the crank continuou to rotate, piston after reaching at one end now moves is left direction and so pressure is created at the left side of the piston and vacuum is created on the right side of the pump. Vacuum cause the water to move up in the pump and pressure cause the water in pump to move into the tank.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Centrifugal Pump

Following are the advantages and disadvantages of reciprocating pump

Advantages of reciprocating pump

  • High efficiency
  • No priming needed
  • Can deliver water at high pressure
  • Can work in wide pressure range
  • Continuous rate of discharge

Disadvantages of reciprocating pump

  • More parts mean high initial cost
  • High maintenance cost
  • No uniform torque
  • Low discharging capacity
  • Pulsating flow
  • Difficult to pump viscous fluid
  • High wear in parts