Helical Sweep Pro E WildFire 5

The Helical Sweep option is used to create helical swept features. You have to define a trajectory that will revolve along an axis, a pitch value, and a cross-section to create a helical feature using this option. The distance of the trajectory from the center line defines the radius of the helical path and the length of the trajectory defines the length of the swept feature. The main use of this option is to create the helical springs and threads. When you choose the Helical Sweep option from the Insert menu in the menu bar or when you choose the Helical Swp option from the ADV FEAT OPT submenu and choose Done


The Constant option is used to create a helical feature with constant pitch


The Variable option is used to create a helical feature of varying pitch. While using this option you have to define the start pitch and the end pitch, you can also define a pitch between the start and the end point of the helix.

Thru Axis

The Thru Axis option is used to create a helical feature around a axis.

Norm To Traj

The Norm To Traj option is used to create a helical feature perpendicular to the sketched trajectory.

Right Handed

The Right Handed option is used to create a helical feature in which the section is swept in the Counter clock wise direction from the start sketch.

Left Handed

The Left Handed option is used to create a helical feature in which the section is swept in the Clock wise direction from the start sketch.

Making Spring

Following are the  steps through which you can make a spring

  • File
  • new
  • part
  • insert
  • helical sweep
  • protrusion
  • ok
  • select plane
  • ok
  • default
  • make centre line
  • make a line parallel to centre line at some distance from it 
  • ok
  • enter pitch
  • ok
  • draw a circle where you see two lines intersecting each other at angle of 90
  • ok
  • ok
  • If error enter a new pitch or decrease circle diameter

Complete video

Last Words ! 

So, My loyal Engineers that was all about topic. I am sure you have enjoyed and understood each and everything. If you still have any queries or questions please comment below or if you think you have some better tips or steps that I have missed please share with me via the comment box below. I will appreciate your efforts. Take A Lot Of Care!

An Overview Of Metal Casting Process

Casting is a process in which molten metal flows by gravity or other forces into a mold where it solidifies in the shape of mold cavity. The term casting is also applied to the part made by this process

Metal casting processes divide into two main categories, based on the mold type

Permanent mold casting process
Expandable mold casting process

Permanent mold casting

In permanent mold casting, the mold is reused many times. Uses a metal mold constructed of two sections designed for easy, precise opening and closing. Molds used for casting lower melting point alloys are commonly made of steel or cast iron. Molds used for casting steel must be made of refractory material, due to the very high pouring temperatures. Permanent mold casting has nine basic types 

1. Slush Casting 

Slush casting is a variation of permanent mold casting that is used to produce hollow parts in manufacturing industries .It is one of the most important process use in manufacturing technology In this method neither the strength of the part nor its internal geometry can be controlled accurately. This metal casting process is used primarily to manufacture toys and parts that are ornamental in nature, such as lamp bases and statues.

2. Pressure Casting 

Pressure casting, also known in manufacturing industry as low pressure casting or pressure pouring, is another variation of permanent mold casting. Instead of pouring the molten metal into the casting and allowing gravity to be the force that distributes the liquid material through the mold, pressure casting uses air pressure to force the metal through the gating system and the metal casting's cavity. This process can be used to cast high quality manufactured parts. Often steel castings are cast in graphite molds using this process. For example, in industry, steel railroad car wheels are cast with this method.

3. Vacuum Permanent Mold Casting 

Vacuum permanent mold casting is a permanent mold casting process employed in manufacturing industry that uses the force caused by an applied vacuum pressure to draw molten metal into and through the mold's gating system and casting cavity. This process has a similar name to vacuum mold casting discussed in the expendable mold process section; however these are two completely different manufacturing processes and should not be confused with each other.

4. Die Casting 

Die casting is a permanent mold manufacturing process that was developed in the early 1900's. Die casting manufacture is characteristic in that it uses large amounts of pressure to force molten metal through the mold. Since so much pressure is used to ensure the flow of metal through the mold, metal castings with great surface detail, dimensional accuracy, and extremely thin walls can be produced. Wall thickness within castings can be manufactured as small as .02in (.5mm). The size of industrial metal castings created using this process vary from extremely small to around 50lbs. Typical parts made in industry by die casting include tools, toys, carburetors, machine components, various housings, and motors.

5. Hot Die Casting 
Hot chamber die casting is one of the two main techniques in the manufacturing process of die casting. This section will primarily discuss the specific details of the hot chamber process and contrast the differences between hot chamber die casting and cold chamber die casting, which is the other branch of die casting manufacture.

6. Cold Die Casting 
Cold chamber die casting is the second of the two major branches of the die casting manufacturing process. This section will discuss cold chamber die casting specifically and contrast it with the hot chamber process discussed previously. For a basic view of die casting in general see die casting manufacture.

7. True Centrifugal Casting 
The manufacturing process of centrifugal casting is a metal casting technique, that uses the forces generated by centripetal acceleration to distribute the molten material in the mold. Centrifugal casting has many applications in manufacturing industry today. The process has several very specific advantages. Cast parts manufactured in industry include various pipes and tubes, such as sewage pipes, gas pipes, and water supply lines, also bushings, rings, the liner for engine cylinders, brake drums, and street lamp posts. The molds used in true centrifugal casting manufacture are round, and are typically made of iron, steel, or graphite. Some sort of refractory lining or sand may be used for the inner surface of the mold.

8. Semi centrifugal Casting 
Semi centrifugal casting manufacture is a variation of true centrifugal casting. The main difference is that in semicentrifugal casting the mold is filled completely with molten metal, which is supplied to the casting through a central sprue. Castings manufactured by this process will possess rotational symmetry. Much of the details of the manufacturing process of semicentrifugal casting are the same as those of true centrifugal casting. For a better understanding of this process and centrifugal casting manufacture in general see true centrifugal casting. Parts manufactured in industry using this metal casting process include such things as pulleys, and wheels for tracked vehicles

9. Centrifuge Casting Ingot Casting

Centrifuge casting is the third main branch of centrifugal casting processes used for industrial manufacture of cast parts. For more detailed information on the other two manufacturing processes that fit into the category of centrifugal casting see, true centrifugal casting and semicentrifugal casting. Developing an understanding of these techniques will greatly assist in learning about centrifuge casting, since the main principles that govern centrifuge casting are the same for all centrifugal casting processes. Centrifuge casting is different in that castings manufactured by the centrifuge casting process need not have rotational symmetry. With centrifuge casting, metal castings of desired shapes can be manufactured with all the distinct benefits of castings produced by a centrifugal casting process.

Expandable mold casting process

In Expandable mold casting process mold is sacrificed in order to remove the casting part. There are six expandable mold casting process used worldwide which are discus below

1. Sand Casting

Most widely used casting process, accounting for a significant majority of total tonnage cast. Nearly all alloys can be sand casted, including metals with high melting temperatures, such as steel, nickel and titanium. Parts ranging in size from small to very large. Production quantities from one to millions

2. Vacuum Molding

The term "vacuum" refers to mold making rather than casting operation itself. Vacuum molding Uses sand mold which is held together by vacuum pressure rather than by a chemical binder. Vacuum molding was developed in Japan around 1970

3. Expanded Polystyrene Process

Uses a mold of sand packed around a polystyrene foam pattern which vaporizes when molten metal is poured into mold. Other names: lost-foam process, lost pattern process, evaporative-foam process, and full-mold process. Polystyrene foam pattern includes sprue, risers, gating system, and internal cores (if needed). Mold does not have to be opened into cope and drag sections

4. Investment Casting (Lost Wax Process)

A pattern made of wax is coated with a refractory material to make mold, after which wax is melted away prior to pouring molten metal. "Investment" comes from one of the less familiar definitions of "invest" - "to cover completely," which refers to coating of refractory material around wax pattern. It is a precision casting process capable of castings of high accuracy and intricate detail

5. Plaster Mold Casting

Similar to sand casting except mold is made of plaster of Paris (gypsum - CaSO4-2H2O). In mold-making, plaster and water mixture is poured over plastic or metal pattern and allowed to set. Wood patterns not generally used due to extended contact with water. Plaster mixture readily flows around pattern, capturing its fine details and good surface finish

Conduction, Convection & Radiation

Unknown Mechanical Device

We did not name the device seen above as we did not know the name of this device we have find this picture in a book which contain pictures of some old mechanical devices, usually when the electricity was not invented yet. That's why this device does not need electricity to perform its work. If any of you know the name please tell us by commenting or by contact form

About The Device 

Two ladles are made from copper, the capacity of the scoop of each ladle a known quantity of water, more or less. Let the handle of each ladle be channel discharging into the scoop. The ends of the handles are brought together at a right angle and soldered firmly together. Crosswise inside the angle is an axle whose ends, resting in firm support, move in bearing. The centre of the axle is soldered firmly inside the angle. 

The axle is marked a, the two scoops y and m, the ends of the handles of the ladles j, Then a pipe is made from copper; it has a lead ball inside it and both its ends are  closed. The pipe is installed laterally at angle j, its ends equidistant from the angle, and it is soldered firmly in position. It ends are marked w and s. Then one makes a channel slightly longer than athe pipe and they are firmly soldered together longitudinally. The ends of the channel which are open, are marked t and z,

Then a water supply f is installed in which the water flows continuously and discharge from its into a channel. A little water issues from a narrow pipe K that drip into angle j. /angle j does not remain centrally between the vertical and the horizontal,. because the ball in the pipe does not remain in the centre of the pipe but at one of its end. Let it be in end s, So the scoop of ladle m will then be at the bottom and the handle of ladle y will be almost horizontal. 

Water dripping from pipe k will therefore run along the handle of the ladle y and collect in its scoop. The discharge from the end of water supply f will flow through channel tz and issue from end z to the right hand side of this machine until scoop y fills, becomes heavy and tilts, together with the pipe and the channel. The ball settles in ends w of the pipe and water drips from pipe k runs to the end of ladle m and collects there. 

The discharge from the end of water supply f goes into tz channel and issues from it ant end t into the left hand side of the machine. And continuous to flow until scoop m fills becomes heavy and tilts, empties its contents and return to its original position. This machine goes on working as long as water flows. It has six movements: two movements to the right and left by which things can be moved; two movements up and down at the right by which things can be raised and lowered; two movements up and down from left by which things and be raised and lowered. That is what I wished to explain clearly.


We have completely explain the working of this device but we cannot find its exact applications so now its your turn to show up your knowledge and tell us its applications in the comment box below we are waiting for your reply

Difference Between Pump and Turbine

Basic Difference

The turbine is one which convert the kinetic energy of the wind into the electrical energy while pump is a device which convert the rotational energy of it s impeller into the pressure energy of the fluid

Work Out Put

A pump out put is increased pressure energy or increase flow rate of liquid whereas in turbine out put is the electrical energy

The Operating Principle

fast moving fluid strikes the blades of turbine and cause them to move. Blades are attached to shaft which is attached to generator which produce electrical energy while in pumps electrical energy cause the impellers to move which exerts there force onto the surrounding fluid and force the fluid to move


There are two main types of pump rotodynamic pump and positive displacement pump and  while turbine has hydro turbine, wind turbine and steam turbine

Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Types of Gears

There are five types of gears namely: spur gear, helical gear, bevel gear, worm gear (worm and worm wheel), and rake and pinion gear. 

Based on advantages and disadvantages of different types of gears, each type of gear is used for a different purpose and these gear types manly differentiate based on how they transfer power.

Different Types of Gears . jpge
Different Types of Gears

Spur gear 

Spur Gear is one which has teeth profile cut parallel to the axis of the gear as shown above. It is used for transfer of power in parallel shafts.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Spur Gear

Advantages of spur gear

  • They offer constant velocity ratio
  • Spur gears are highly reliable
  • Spur gears are simplest, hence easiest to design and manufacture
  • A spur gear is more efficient if you compare it with helical gear of same size
  • Spur gear teeth are parallel to its axis. Hence, spur gear train does not produce axial thrust. So the gear shafts can be mounted easily using ball bearings.
  • They can be used to transmit large amount of power (of the order of 50,000 kW)

Disadvantages of spur gear

  • Spur gear are slow-speed gears
  • Gear teeth experience a large amount of stress
  • They cannot transfer power between non-parallel shafts
  • They cannot be used for long distance power transmission.
  • Spur gears produce a lot of noise when operating at high speeds.
  • when compared with other types of gears, they are not as strong as them

Helical Gear 

Helical Gear is one which has teeth profile cut at an angle with respect to the axis of rotation of the gear as shown above. It is used for the smooth transfer of power in parallel shafts with very low noise.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Helical Gear

Advantages of helical gear

  • The angled teeth engage more gradually than do spur gear teeth causing them to run more smoothly and quietly
  • Helical gears are highly durable and are ideal for high load applications.
  • At any given time their load is distributed over several teeth, resulting in less wear
  • Can  transmit motion and power between either parallel or right angle shafts

Disadvantages of helical gear

  • An obvious disadvantage of the helical gears is a resultant thrust along the axis of the gear, which needs to be accommodated by appropriate thrust bearings, and a greater degree of sliding friction between the meshing teeth, often addressed with additives in the lubricant. 
  • Thus we can say that helical gears cause losses due to the unique geometry along the axis of the helical gear’s shaft.
  • Efficiency of helical gear is less because helical gear trains have sliding contacts between the teeth which in turns produce axial thrust of gear shafts and generate more heat. So, more power loss and less efficiency

Bevel Gear 

Bevel Gear is one which has teeth profile cut on a conical surface which is parallel to the axis of the gear as shown above. It is used for transfer of power in perpendicular shafts (shafts that meet at an angle of 90 degree).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bevel Gear

Advantages of Bevel Gear

  • This gear makes it possible to change the operating angle.
  • Differing of the number of teeth (effectively diameter) on each wheel allows mechanical advantage to be changed. 
  • By increasing or decreasing the ratio of teeth between the drive and driven wheels one may change the ratio of rotations between the two. 
  • Meaning that the rotational drive and torque of the second wheel can be changed in relation to the first, with speed increasing and torque decreasing, or speed decreasing and torque increasing.

Disadvantages of Bevel Gear

  • One wheel of such gear is designed to work with its complementary wheel and no other.
  • Must be precisely mounted
  • The shafts' bearings must be capable of supporting significant forces.

Worm gear (worm and worm wheel)

Worn Gear (Worm and Worm Wheel) is one which has single teeth profile cut in a manner it look more like a screw, as shown above. 

It is used for transfer of power in perpendicular shafts (shafts that meet at an angle of 90 degree). Wheel gear is a simple spur gear.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Worm gear (worm and worm wheel)

Advantages of worm gear

  • Worm gear drives operate silently and smoothly.
  • They are self-locking.
  • They occupy less space.
  • They have good meshing effectiveness.
  • They can be used for reducing speed and increasing torque.
  • High velocity ratio of the order of 100 can be obtained in a single step

Disadvantages of worm gear

  • Worm gear materials are expensive.
  • Worm drives have high power losses 
  • A disadvantage is the potential for considerable sliding action, leading to low efficiency
  • They produce a lot of heat.

Pinion Gear 

Pinion Gear is simply a spur gear which has teeth profile cut parallel to the axis of the gear as shown above while rack is straight bar with the teeth cuts which are same as of the pinion gear used.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Rack and Pinion

Advantages of Rack and Pinion

  • Cheap
  • Compact
  • Robust
  • Easiest way to convert rotation motion into linear motion
  • Rack and pinion gives easier and more compact control over the vehicle

        Disadvantages  of Rack and Pinion

        • Since being the most ancient, the wheel is also the most convenient and somewhat more extensive in terms of energy too. 
        • Due to the apparent friction, you would already have guessed just how much of the power being input gives in terms of output. 
        • A lot of the force applied to the mechanism is burned up in overcoming friction, to be more precise somewhat around 80% of the overall force is burned to overcome one.
        • The rack and pinion can only work with certain levels of friction. 
        • Too high a friction and the mechanism will be subject to wear more than usual and will require more force to operate.
        • The most adverse disadvantage of rack and pinion would also be due to the inherent friction, the same force that actually makes things work in the mechanism. 
        • Due to the friction, it is under a constant wear, possibly needing replacement after a certain time

        As there are five basic types of gears available in the market and gear types used for a particular application depends way in which power is needed to be transferred. 

        Advantages and disadvantages of different types of gears are shown above and base on that one can decide which types of gears you need to work with.

        Difference Between Chain Drive and Belt Drive Mechanism in Power Transfer

        Chain drive and belt drive mechanisms are two main mechanisms to transfer power and rotational motion. 

        Both belt drive and chain drive mechanism have their own advantages and disadvantages and particular applications.

        We have developed a comprehensive comparison between chain drive and belt drive. 

        This make it easy to know the difference between chain drive and belt drive mechanism in power transfer.

        Chain drive vs Belt Drive
        Chain drive vs Belt Drive

        Difference between materials of belt and chain

        Looking at the material form which chain drive and belt drive mechanism are made. 

        A chain drive mechanism is made of metallic alloys like alloy steel while the belt drive mechanism is made up of polymers material. 

        Comparing working conditions for chain and belt drive

        Talking about the working conditions, chain drive can work in high temperature and in moist conditions whereas belt drive need dry condition for proper working.

        Efficiency comparison of belt drive and chain drive

        Because of the slippage efficiency of the belts drive is very less as compared to that of chain drive. 

        Chain drive does not slip at all and this make them high efficient in power transfer.

        Different between noise produce by belt drive and chain drive 

        Because of the metal to metal contact in chain drives, they very are noisy but in belt derive as there is no metal to metal contact so no noisey.

        Belt drive the quietest mechanism as far as power transferring mechanism like gears, chains are considered. 

        Comparing load bearing capacity of chain drive and belt drive

        Specialty of Chain drive is that it can operate under high loads while belt drives specialty is that it can operate under high speed. 

        Chain drive mechanism cannot work at very high speed rather they are design to resist high torque. 

        Opposite to that belt drive mechanism are designed to work for high speed applications with low torque rating.

        Difference between cost effectiveness of belt and chain drive mechanism

        Chain drive have high initial cost and also need lubrication with time but last long that belt. 

        On the other hand belt drive have low initial cost but it wear soon so need to repair  regularly. Belt drive do not need lubrication.