Different Types Of HOLE In Pro E

In Pro/ENGINEER holes are created using the HOLE dialog box. The HOLE dialog box is displayed when you choose Insert > Hole from the menu bar or PART > Feature > Create > Solid > Hole from the Menu Manager.

You can create three types of holes using the HOLE dialog box.
  • The first type is a straight hole,
  • the second is a sketched hole,
  • the third is a standard hole.          

straight hole

Straight holes are the holes that have a circular cross-section having a constant diameter throughout the depth. They start at the placement plane and terminate at the user-defined depth or at the specified end surface.

sketched hole

The Sketched option allows you to sketch the cross-section for the hole that is revolved about a center axis. This option is used to draw custom shapes for the hole. When you choose this radio button in the HOLE dialog box, the system opens a new window with the sketcher environment. The cross-section for the hole is sketched using the normal sketcher options available. While drawing the sketch, a center line must be drawn that acts as the axis of revolution for the section of hole. The sketched holes can be a blind or a through hole depending upon the dimensions of the section sketch.

standard hole

The holes created using the Standard Hole option are based on industry standard fastener tables. The Standard Hole option allows you to create two types of holes, Tapped holes and Clearance holes. In the Tapped holes, the cosmetic thread is included in the hole, whereas in the Clearance holes, the cosmetic threads are not included.

Hole Placement area

In the Hole Placement area of the HOLE dialog box all the parameters that will define the placement of a hole are specified.

Linear. When you select this option, you are prompted to specify the distances from two linear references. Generally, these linear references are the edges of the planar surface on the model, any two planar surfaces or axes, or a combination of any of these.

Radial. This option is used to create a hole that can be referenced to an axis. When you select this option, you are prompted to select an axial reference and an angular reference to place the hole. The distance from the axis is entered in the Distance edit box and angle is entered in the Angle edit box that is displayed when you select the axis and the plane for the angular reference. This option is usually used to create holes on flanges

Diameter. This option creates a diametrically placed hole. When you select this option, you are prompted to select an axial reference and an angular reference to place the hole.

Coaxial. This option creates a hole coaxially. When you select this option, you are prompted to select an axis. No dimensions are required to place a coaxial hole. 

Last Words !

So, My loyal Engineers that was all about topic. I am sure you have enjoyed and understood each and everything. If you still have any queries or questions please comment below or if you think you have some better tips or steps that I have missed please share with me via the comment box below. I will appreciate your efforts. Take A Lot Of Care!

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