Advantages and Disadvantages of Renewable Energy


  • Biggest advantages of renewable energy is that it is renewable
  • Renewable energy never ran out
  • Renewable energy production need less maintenance than other energy sources
  • Renewable energy raw material is available in nature which reduce the cost of operation
  • Renewable energy production produce no wast products 
  • Renewable energy in eco friendly 
  • Renweable energy can also bring economic benefits


  • Renewable energy production is less in quantity from the other traditional energy production facilities
  • Renewable energy need continuously supply of raw material like hydro turbine need water, wind turbine need wind , solar panels need sun light 
  •  Renewable energy low density which is general results in higher initial coat
  • Renewable energy perceived problems are visual pollution, odor from biomass, avian and bat mortality with wind turbines, and brine from geothermal energy
  • Where ever a large renewable facility is to be located, there will be perceived and real problems to the local people, for convertional power plants using fossile fuels for nuclear energy and even for renewable energy. There is the problem of                 "NOT  IN MY BACK YARD"

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