What is Single Shaft Turbine and Double Shaft Turbine

Single Shaft Turbines

Single shaft turbines are those which have single shaft running through the whole turbine means through compressor, turbine and generator of gas turbine. The working of such a turbine starts with the introduction of air in compressor section of turbine which has blades to compress the air. That compressed air them moves to the combustion chamber of the turbine where it get mixed with the fuel and burn to produce high temperature and high pressure gasses. Those high pressure and high temperature gasses then moves to turbine/power generation section where power is extracted from the hot gasses by the blades of the turbine. Blades use the hot gasses power to rotate the shaft of the generator or pump to produce the mechanical or electrical power output. All these rotating components like compressor, turbine and generator are made on single shaft.

Double Shaft Turbine

These turbines have two shafts in their system where one shaft moves between compressor and compressor turbine and second shaft moves between power turbine and generator of gas turbine. Working procedure of these shafts is little different from single shaft turbines and its starts with the introduction of air in compressor section of turbine which has blades to compress the air. That compressed air them moves to the combustion chamber of the turbine where it get mixed with the fuel and burn to produce high temperature and high pressure gasses. Those high pressure and high temperature gasses then moves to compression turbine section and from there they move to the turbine/power generation section which absorbs power from gasses. Power is use to rotate the shaft of the power turbine and that shat is attached with the generator which produce electrical or mechanical power output.

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